Product informations

Code #012

  • Bonuni
  • Bonjoyful


Our long seller high-tech shirts. Secret is home-wash & no ironing, yet wrinkle free.
Styling with smoky color aprons fits to the diverse venues.

Brand : Bonjoyful, Bonuni

Mens Total Price ¥17,300+tax

Shirts (34107-81) White ¥6,700+tax

Slacks(12108-99) Black ¥7,500+tax

Apron(27325-99)Black ¥3,100+tax

Ladies Total Price ¥15,900+tax

Shirts (34206-81) White ¥6,200+tax

Pants(12206-99) Black ¥6,900+tax

Apron(27324-79)Brown ¥2,800+tax

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